Monday, April 23, 2012

We All Sell Ourselves One Way or Another

I made a separate post because there was another part of the book that I really liked. In the beginning of the second chapter we had to read when N’Deye Touti asked about Penda.
                “ ‘They say that the only thing that was never on top of her was the railroad. I just wondered how…?’
                ‘You will probably never be worth as much as Penda. And I know what she was worth. She was a real friend, and she lost her life because of it. There are great many ways of prostituting yourself, you know. There are those who do it because they are forced to – Alioune, Deune, Idrissa and myself all prostitute out work and our abilities to men who have no respect for us. And then there are others who sell themselves morally…’ ”
I really liked this except because it true, we all sell something of ourselves. Maybe we sell a part of our passion (sports, music, etc.) to do well in school. We spend our time doing homework, writing these blogs, and studing instead of doing what makes us happy. Then are we selling ourselves? One could argue you make those choices and that it’s for a greater outcome, but I don’t know. Just something to think about.

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