Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Guess I'm a Little Dissapointed....

Today in the discussion we obviously brought up the return of Bakayoko. During the discution someone brought up that Bakayoko had almost like a Jesus Christ persona. By that I mean this God like figure shows up and everyone is saved from their misery. (I am not sure if that is what Jesus is supposted to do, but I’ll go with it). Anyways, this observation was kind of like an “AHH HA!” moment for me because I was a little disappointed in Bakayoko’s return. I’m not sure if anyone else felt this way but I saw the chapter title: The Return of Bakayoko; I was so excited that this mysterious character was going to be revealed, this character who was mentioned so many times in the book as this amazing person. But, in the whole chapter he really didn’t make any profound remarks that left me going, ”yeah! I agree! GO PEOPLE OF SENEGAL”.  I think I was hoping for more of a Martin Luther King Jr. speech. Instead Bakayoko shows up at his uncle’s house and go to sleep and wakes up early in the morning. The meeting comes around and more or less he is told to shut him mouth, and then he gets violent. I was also kind of hoping for this really deep conversation with “A” because I always really liked what she had to say and he is her step-father. Oh also to sum up our reading, Penda dies, like really? One of the most amazing character in the book dies. More or less, this is really just me ranting on how disappointed I was. It wasn’t that I was expecting fireworks, but I was expecting SOMETHING (not totally sure what though :-/ ).


  1. I was also hoping he would have some sort of contact with his family; maybe then we could see what type of person he is in more personal conversations. However, he hears his mother died and doesn't even write beck home. He seemed really incompassionate to me.

  2. I was also a little shocked at how quickly Penda was just killed off. After her character developing especially in the last couple chapter, it amazed me how simply she was just gone. I was actually getting to like her courage and wit. Also I agree about Bakayoko, he didn't live up to my expectations thus far.
